Manage a Trip
Read the SLAC Travel Policy and Procedures. In order to get reimbursed, your booking must comply with the SLAC travel policy.
Apply for a Travel Card
SLAC employees are required to use a SLAC Travel Card (TCard) for official business travel on behalf of SLAC. Most applicants receive their new TCard within two weeks of approval.
The three expense types that must be paid for with the TCard are airfare, lodging, and car rentals.
Request Trip Approval
All trips begin with a request in Concur one month prior to the date of departure. Once your request is submitted, it will auto-route for approval to your supervisor and the cost account manager. **Important** Make sure to jot down the Travel Request ID from Concur. You will not receive it via email, however, you will need the travel ID number to book your trip.
SLAC employees (including CWR-SU designated employees) are required to use SLAC Booking Channels when booking airfare, hotels, and car rentals. SLAC Hosts arranging travel on behalf of a SLAC employee can follow these steps to add a traveler to their Egencia profile.
To get reimbursed, you are required to provide a receipt for expenses related to airfare, hotel, or car rental. Enter your bank information in Concur if you are using it for the first time.
Check per diem rates:
- Domestic per diem rates
- Alaska and Hawaii per diem rates
- International per diem rates
- Meals & Incidentals (M&IE) Breakdowns
SLAC Policies require travelers to submit expense reports in Concur within 10 working days after returning from each trip. Expense reports should be submitted within 60 days of the traveler returning from their trip. Explore Quick Start Guides for more information about Concur.
Not a SLAC employee?
Expenses for non-employees will be paid based on actual costs (not to exceed the per diem rate) and must be supported by itemized receipts regardless of the amount. In order to be reimbursed, one of the following supporting documents are required to be submitted in the Concur expense report:
- All actual receipts
- Comments documented in Concur that itemize out each day's meals cost, using the actual costs regardless of whether or not they exceed per diem
An email from the traveler that states the dollar amount they actually spent on meals (if they do not have meal receipts)
Special Considerations
The travel process varies depending on the type of travel. Explore the specifics for foreign travel and sponsored guests.
SLAC travelers must receive SLAC and/or DOE approval to conduct official international travel prior to departure. SLAC Travel will begin the electronic Country Clearance (eCC) process as soon as a trip request is submitted in Concur and reaches the travel office queue.
Additional Rules May Apply
For trips outside the United States, check out our Foreign Travel Resources for additional approval steps and regulations.
Did you know SLAC will reimburse sponsored guests for travel costs? Like all other travelers, sponsored guests are required to adhere to SLAC's Travel and Expense Policy.
Sponsored guests should direct questions pertaining to travel to SLAC to their SLAC host. For any other general SLAC travel inquiries, contact SLAC Travel.
The sponsored guests page provides details on managing sponsored guests' travel.
Booking Channels
SLAC Travel booking channels feature over 50 travel partners, who provide airline, lodging, and ground transportation booking services under negotiated rates and terms. Each channel offers various benefits.
SLAC booking channels offer self-service booking and a full-service dedicated travel agency option for 24/7 access to travel resources.
Egencia is SLAC's preferred travel agency. Egencia offers Stanford negotiated rates for airfare, lodging, and ground transportation. It is an online booking tool that is used primarily to book basic domestic and international travel.

United Corporate Direct (UCD) offers exclusive discounts to SLAC travelers who prefer to book online directly with United. Link your United MileagePlus account to UCD and automatically feed your itineraries and receipts to Concur.

Local Travel
For trips within 50 miles of SLAC, including conferences, check out our Travel Policy on the reimbursement guidelines.
Meals & Incidental expenses and most lodging expenses are not reimbursable. Find more information like this on the Resources page.