Foreign Travel
Official foreign travel, whether fully or partially for official SLAC business purposes, falls into one or more of the following categories:
This category includes travel from the United States, including Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, and other U.S. territories and possessions, to foreign countries. It encompasses travel to countries such as Canada and Mexico.
This category includes travel between different foreign countries. It applies to individuals, including foreign nationals, whose salaries or travel expenses, or both, will be funded in whole or in part by the Department of Energy (DOE) from its appropriations.
This category covers international travel that is funded by sources other than the DOE. It applies when the traveler represents SLAC, the DOE, or conducts business on behalf of the U.S. Government.
Countries of Risk Travel
This category covers international travel to (and participation in virtual events hosted by) China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. When traveling to these countries, or participating in virtual events hosted by them, laboratory employees must first obtain the necessary pre-approval, as per the Office of Science (SC) guidance, before submitting a travel request in Concur. The guidance details the specific steps required before attending virtual or in-person events in any of these four countries. Refer to the flow chart, which outlines the complete process from beginning to end.
Procedures for submitting requests to SC HQ for review:
The Laboratory submits travel request to Site Office Manager (SOM) for review and approval. If approved, the SOM submits the travel request to the appropriate SC Program Office Associate Director (AD) or Office Director (OD). If not approved, the request is returned to the Laboratory.
A. The Office of International Activities, Research Security, and Interagency Coordination can advise on the appropriate program office, as needed.The SC AD/OD reviews the request.
A. Disapprovals will be communicated by the SC AD/OD back to the SOM who will inform the Laboratory.
B. SC AD/OD recommended approvals will be communicated to the Deputy Director for Science Program (DDSP) or the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), as appropriate.DDSP or DDO reviews the request.
A. Approval or disapproval will be communicated by the SC AD/OD back to the SOM who will inform the Laboratory.
All international travel falling within these criteria must be officially approved. Airfare must be booked on a U.S. carrier unless exceptions apply. For detailed information regarding foreign travel please refer to the SLAC Travel and Reimbursement Policy.
Foreign travel process applies to individuals who meet any of the following criteria:
1. Receive compensation from SLAC.
2. Are on the SLAC payroll.
3. Are rostered (employed) at SLAC.
4. Are representing SLAC or the DOE.
Before Foreign Travel
SLAC travelers must receive SLAC and/or DOE approval to conduct official international travel prior to departure.
If the traveler is not claiming reimbursement from SLAC but will represent data or information pertaining to SLAC, it is considered official foreign travel, and approvals are required. This includes travel to Mexico and Canada.
Some locations require additional security training in order to be approved. Visit Security Requirements for details.
Check international per diem rates.

Submit a foreign travel request in Concur 35 calendar days prior to the date of departure or 45 days if the visit is to a country that requires additional training. SLAC Travel will route your request through the Foreign Travel Management System (FTMS). The request will be approved in Concur by SLAC Travel once approval and country clearance is obtained from DOE and the Department of State through FTMS and MyServices.
Book Foreign Travel
1. | Obtain Supervisor and CAM approval for the Concur Travel Request and attach the purchased flight itinerary to the approved request. Note: Expenses should not be incurred until Supervisor and CAM approval is obtained. |
2. | Obtain FTMS approval by SLAC Travel through FTMS |
3. | Obtain Country Clearance approval by SLAC Travel through electronic Country Clearance (eCC) |
4. | Obtain SLAC Travel Office approval provided in Concur. Note: Expenses should not be incurred until approval is obtained. Traveler should book through the SLAC Booking Channels using the SLAC Travel Card unless exclusions apply. |
5. | Attend mandatory training for sensitive countries (if applicable) |
6. | Arrange any remaining travel (lodging and/or car rentals) |
7. | Follow reporting/testing requirements of the destination country |
8. | Follow COVID-19 Guidance for Return from Travel |
1. | The Department Travel Administrator should email Travel@SLAC with the following attachments, if applicable: • Invitation letter • Purchased flight itinerary (for travelers departing from the US) • Foreign Travel Authorization (FTA) Form |
2. | Obtain FTMS approval by SLAC Travel through FTMS |
3. | Obtain Country Clearance approval by SLAC Travel through electronic Country Clearance (eCC) |
4. | Obtain SLAC Travel Office approval provided in Concur. Note: Expenses should not be incurred until approval is obtained. Traveler should book through the SLAC Booking Channels using the SLAC Travel Card unless exclusions apply. |
5. | Attend mandatory training for sensitive countries (if applicable) |
6. | Arrange any remaining travel (lodging and/or car rentals) |
7. | Follow reporting/testing requirements of the destination country |
8. | Follow COVID-19 Guidance for Return from Travel |
Trips to select countries require mandatory training as a prerequisite to the Department
of State granting country clearance. Please view our Security Requirements page for
more information.
- Internal Sensitive Countries and S&T Countries of Risk List (SLAC only)
- Travel to China and Taiwan must have DOE/HEP/BES funding.
- Any trips funded by a Chinese host will not be approved.
- Prior to the travel approval, the traveler is required to contact their Counterintelligence Officer and arrange a travel briefing. Once your briefing is
scheduled, please notify the travel office who will then continue to process your request.
○ The Office of Science requires a post-travel debriefing which can be completed online. Please use our briefing form when creating your debriefing report. SLAC Travel Office will then forward the debriefing information to the Office of Science.
- Please familiarize yourself with the following guidance from the Foreign Travel Export Control Guide when taking materials outside of the country.
- SLAC Cyber Security has also provided guidance on mitigating risks on their website, Cyber Security Foreign Travel Guidance (SLAC ONLY).
SLAC applies reduced rates for trips to CERN: Lodging at $150; Meals & Incidentals at $75.
The U.S. State Department maintains a list of approved hotels in the CERN area. Hotel lodging outside of the CERN hostel and the approved hotel list may result in the State Department not granting country clearance (eCC) for your trip (i.e. trip is disapproved). If you can't get lodging in the SLAC apartments, please book at the CERN hostel or within the approved list.
The traveler must purchase rental insurance from the car rental agency when traveling on SLAC business to a foreign country, Alaska, and Hawaii. The cost of car rental agency insurance is reimbursable for foreign business travel. The insurance purchased should cover collision damage waiver, loss damage waiver, and supplemental liability protection.
More details can be found in the SLAC Travel and Reimbursement Policy.
Please inform Travel@SLAC when there is any change to your original travel plans as failure to notify may adversely impact your travel reimbursement. Deviations from the approved travel authorization require re-approval by the DOE and U.S. State Department. In particular:
- Change of travel dates
- Change and/or addition of country
- Substitution of the original traveler with a new traveler
- Addition of classified discussion and/or meetings
- Addition of personal leave
- Addition of premium/business/first class airfare
- Addition of attendance or participation at an international conference
Foreign travel paid by non-SLAC entities or non-DOE funds requires foreign request approval in Concur.
If you plan on conducting business while on vacation, foreign request approval is required in Concur. For more information, please refer to the Foreign Travel Policy Memo and FAQ page.
If your trip includes personal travel, be sure to create a flight comparison for the business dates of your trip. This will be necessary in order to get reimbursed for your airfare in Concur. Also, note that personal travel in conjunction with foreign travel may not exceed two business days to one personal day ratio (2:1).
When traveling with SLAC-owned IT devices, SLAC personnel must Submit a Foreign Travel with IT Request* at least fourteen calendar days prior to departure. *For any questions regarding the form or process, please reach out to SLAC IT.