Booking Channels
SLAC Travel consists of two booking channels, Egencia and United Corporate Direct, that feature over 50 travel partners who provide airline, lodging, and ground transportation booking services. Both channels offer Stanford negotiated rates for airfare, lodging, and car rentals, convenient mobile apps, and safety and security to international travelers through Crisis24.
To ensure a smooth travel experience, both booking channels allow travelers to:
- Add frequent flyer, loyalty numbers, statuses, earn miles, and get preferred seating
- Add a known traveler number (TSA PreCheck)
- Add a SLAC Travel Card
SLAC employees are free to choose either channel to book SLAC-sponsored travel.

Egencia is SLAC's preferred travel agency.
Access Egencia
All SLAC employees have profiles on Egencia and can log in using their SLAC username and password.
To arrange travel with a live agent, email or call +1 312-741-6713. Fees Apply.
Using Egencia
Refer to the page, Quick Start Guides, for useful videos, documents and presentations on using Egencia.
Book travel through Egencia on behalf of another SLAC employee
Travel arrangers or hosts can book on behalf of another SLAC employee once they've obtained access to their profile in Egencia. Arrangers and hosts can refer to our Sponsored Guests page and Quick Start Guides on how to add a traveler in Egencia.
Need assistance?
Book online or with an agent | 24 hours a day: +1 312-741-6713 | Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST |
Access United Corporate Direct
United Corporate Direct travel cannot be booked by phone. Book through or the United Airlines app.
Using United Corporate Direct
- Zoom Recording from the United Corporate Direct Webinar
- Quick Start Guides:
Book Leisure Travel
United Corporate Direct has extended up to 10% off of personal flights using the "Break for Business" leisure discount. You can take advantage of the discount by registering for an account.

Once logged in to using your MileagePlus number and password, select "Personal travel" under your program. This typically defaults to "Business Travel" and must be changed for the leisure discount.
Need assistance? Contact United Corporate Direct.
Book online only | UCD travel cannot be booked by phone Book through or the United Airlines app. | (For assistance accessing UCD rates. Response to emails will be sent within 24 hours Monday through Friday.) |
Exemptions to the Booking Policy
There are some circumstances where faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars, and students may not be able to book through a SLAC Travel Booking channel. For these exempted travel reservations, faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars, and students must forward the itinerary confirmation exactly as it was received to
Exempt Types of Travel (requires itinerary forwarding)
- Conference Hotels (which may be booked directly at the conference rate using the SLAC T-Card)
- Laboratory and University Guest Houses
- Airline ticket reissues or exchanges
Not Required to book through SLAC Travel Booking Channels (but may elect to use a booking channel)
- Visitors
- Sponsored Guests
- Non CWR-SU employees such as Stanford University faculty, staff, students, postdocs, and fellows
Exception Process
Travel that is not specifically listed above as exempt or not required to book through SLAC Travel requires an exception. To request an exception to the booking method, travelers or travel arrangers will need to reach out directly to with a justification for booking outside of the SLAC Travel booking channel.
Inspiration for this new section is based on the Stanford Business & Travel page