
Frequently Asked Questions

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If an employee is fully utilizing Stanford University Funds and they only have one job record at SLAC, they will not have access to Egencia through Stanford University. They would be considered a "visitor" and their travel would be considered an Exemption to Stanford's Travel Booking Policy

  • The use of Egencia is prohibited because the fees associated with accessing it are paid with SLAC DOE funds. 
  • The traveler can work with someone at the university to book under their Egencia Guest Profile with a Stanford Department Travel Card.
  • Alternatively, the traveler can use any travel site with their personal card and seek reimbursement post travel through Ofweb

If an employee is fully utilizing Stanford University Funds and they have a dual appointment (one job record at Stanford University and one job record at SLAC), they will have access to Egencia through Stanford University and SLAC

Yes, please submit an expense report to reconcile the T-Card transaction.